Our Local Supported Employment Programme supports autistic adults and adults with learning disabilities (or both) to find sustainable employment
The support you will get:
- A dedicated employment mentor.
- Help to identify what type of work you want to do and how to get it.
- Support you to find work placements and work trials.
- Access to training and development.
- Will work with your employer, to see how they can support you during the recruitment progress and when you are in the workplace to make the employment sustainable.
- Support better off calculations to ease financial concerns about starting work
- Support you as you learn the job, through regular job coaching at work, training, support from someone at the workplace and/or regular reviews.
Applicants must:
- Be over 16-years-old
- Live in Cardiff
- Not be in paid work or full-time education
- Not be engaging with another employment programme delivered by a government department, charitable trust, or third party.

Contact us:
For more information contact us.
We also accept referrals from family members and professionals.
We work with a range of partner organisations that support with securing volunteering placements, provide employability information and support. Take a look at our partners page to find out more.
If you would like any other support around volunteering, information and support you could contact one of the other organisations working in Cardiff:
- Vision 21 – V21
- Innovate Trust – Supporting people with disabilities since 1967 (innovate-trust.org.uk)
- Autism Spectrum Connections Cymru
- Autism Initiatives
- Homepage – Volunteer Cardiff
- Home – Cardiff People First